Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How Technology can be use in the Classroom?

Technology may be defined as an electronic media used as a tool to create, learn, explain, document, analyze or present dance. Educational technology are electronic devices that may include calculators, PDAs, computers, overhead projectors, VCRs and multimedia.
Technology in the classroom situation helps to connect with students’ interest, facilitates learning easily, provide resources, and support cooperative learning. It can be used to motivate students and helps make learning more effective by providing a great wealth of resources and allowing student choices. It cannot make friends or show respect, search for or create knowledge and teach.
Teachers must prepare their lessons in culturally responsive ways and use techniques to help all students access the content such as effective content learning activities that consider students’ backgrounds, how the students learn, and the use of technologies that are appropriate and relevant to the students need.
Communication can be the conveyance of information exchange with two or more partners. People communicate through many different media such as verbal, written, or through jesters (using text, emails, cell phones, blogs and instant messaging).


  1. I strongly believe in the point that the computer can help in motivating students. I have used it in my classroom on several occasions to get students to complete homework assignments and work in class.

  2. I also think teachers need to be prepared and plan in order to incorporate technology in the teaching and learning process; as set objectives may not be acheived if the technology chosen can not meet the objectives. this will also prove to be ineffective.
